Friday 10 October 2014

Packing Whine

Just the mere thought of it makes me cringe... makes me slump back onto the couch... makes me think of all the things I have to pack thus concluding it is far to much...

Ya.. that's where I am at. 42 days until we move and my friends keep asking how packing is going. In truth... not so much. Sure we have big Rubbermaid bins down in the basement that are already packed with stuff we don't use. Those are ready. But have I actually picked up some stuff and put it into a box since we sold our place? Nay.

I'm getting close. We have boxes (that some relatives gave us), I am starting to plan my attack. The hutch with all our china and wine glasses (we don't need those things every day and heck, I can drink out of the bottle if need be!) Or maybe our books and movies (no time to really use those plus we have Netflix). But yet here I sit on the couch writing this instead of actually doing it. I am the queen of procrastination... but I KNOW it needs to be done.

One of my close friends is also moving around the same time we are. We were discussing it today and I was surprised (AMAZED even!) to hear she is 90% packed already. And she has two girls the same age as my kids! AND her youngest is sick and has been in and out of the hospital, (pray for her to get a new liver soon please). AND she just had surgery herself.

I professed my amazement to her and she said "I knew the move date was going to come quick so I did everything early." Jaw meet floor. I know that time is ticking and it all needs to be done.. but but but... I DON'T WANNA!

Ok. Seriously. C has inspired me. I AM going to start now... NOW!

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